Department Indo-Norway
Project title: Global health and disability - a lifespan perspective (2017-2020)
Project number: UTF-2016-long-term/10085
Project Coordinators:
Dr. Aarti Nagarkar, SPPU- Savitribai Phule Pune University
Dr. Marianne Hedlund NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology
1) Provide Norwegian and Indian students an overview of the health and welfare system in each country for persons with disabilities, seen in a lifetime perspective
2) Test and explore possible cooperation for research and higher education projects in areas of interest to both parties. This is to identify needs for capacity building, develop validated curricula for higher education relevant to global health and disability issues
3) Develop a greater understanding among students and academic staff in India and Norway for their health and education through study visits and mobility activities
Workshops and
First workshop was organized on the theme of Disability and health and social care issues in developed and developing countries in November 2017.
Second workshop was organized on the theme of methods and methodology in disability research in November 2018.