The roots of the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences dates back to the 1980's, in the backdrop of the Alma Ata Declaration and a rejuvenation of the Primary Health Care approach. Health Sciences was the brainchild of Late Prof P V Sukhatme (Padmabhushan), who evolved the first curriculum through a series of summer schools. He was assisted in these efforts by Dr N S Deodhar, eminent public health expert and Prof R K Mutatkar, a leading medical anthropologist and a professor at the University of Pune. In 1989, the University Grants Commission (UGC) under the Chairmanship of Dr Manmohan Singh awarded a seed grant to the University of Pune to initiate interdisciplinary teaching in the field of health. In 2005, this concept was supported once again by the UGC who provided support for initiating a Master of Public Health (MPH) course under its "Innovative Programme" scheme. This funding was a revolutionary decision, since it heralded the initiation of teaching public health outside the medical discipline, in Indian Universities, with the University of Pune as a pioneer institution.
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Pune University.
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