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Centre for Modeling and Simulation

The Center for Modeling and Simulation, was established in 2003, to promote, support and facilitate academic and research activities related to modeling and simulation that use computation as the "third scientific methodology" and transcend traditional boundaries separating individual scientific disciplines. The Center benefits from an on-going, active, and enthusiastic participation of experts from industry and academics either in an advisory capacity or in teaching, and other activities of the Center from time to time. Areas of research include high performance computing and large-scale numeric, modeling of complex systems and materials modeling.

For the Campus

The Centre manages and maintains a number of state-of-the-art high-performance computing (HPC) machines as a HPC facility for the entire campus research community. All courses that are part of the Centre's academic programmes are open to the campus community under the University credit system.

For the Public.

The Centre organizes an on-going series of colloquia and seminars by distinguished researchers from academics and industry so as to generate awareness and perspective on modeling and simulation methodologies used to solve challenging real-life industrial/technological or scientific problems. This activity also serves as a supplement to the Centre's academic programme. Details of past and planned colloquia can be found on our announcements pages.

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