Senate List
The Senate, headed by the vice Chancellor, typically consists of around 107 members, and is the Principal Authority for all financial estimates;reviewing current and future academic programs, and suggesting changes consistent with societal development; it also suggests measures for improvement of the University.
The Senate shall be the principal authority for all financial
estimates and budgetary appropriations and for providing social
feedback to the University on current and future academic
The Senate shall consist of the following members, namely :-
The Chancellor-Chairperson;
The Vice-Chancellor;
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
The Deans of Faculties;
The Director of Board of Examinations and Evaluation;
The Finance and Accounts Officer;
The Directors of Sub-campuses of the university;
The Director, Innovation, Incubation and Linkages;
the Director of Higher Education or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Director;
the Director of Technical Education or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Director;
The Director Knowledge Resource Center of the university;
the Director of Board of Students' Development;
the Director of Sports and Physical Education;
The Director of Board of Lifelong Learning and Extension;
Ten Principals of affiliated, conducted, autonomous colleges which are accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) or National
Board of Accreditation, (NBA), as the case may be, to be elected by the collegium of principals from amongst themselves; of whom one each shall be a person belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, De-notified Tribes
(Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes, Other Backward Classes, and one shall be a woman;
Six representatives of Management - to be elected from among the collegium of management representatives of the affiliated colleges or institutions out of
whom one shall be from Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Denotified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Classes category, by rotation, and one shall be woman:
-Provided that, such representatives of management to be elected shall be the representatives of management of colleges which are accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council or National Board of Accreditation as the case may be :
-Provided further that, where a management conducts one or more Colleges or institutions, only one representative of such management shall be eligible for being included in collegium of Management Representatives;
The president and the secretary of the University's students Council
Ten teachers other than principals and directors of recognised institutions to be elected by the collegium of teachers from amongst themselves of whom one
each shall be a person belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Denotified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes, Other Backward Classes, and one shall be a woman;
Three teachers to be elected by the collegium of University teachers from amongst themselves, of whom one shall be a person belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Classes, by rotation, and one shall be a woman;
Ten registered graduates having graduated at least five years prior to the date of nomination, to be elected from amongst the collegium of registered graduates, of whom one each shall be a person belonging to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes, Other Backward Classes, and one shall be a woman :
-Provided that, the registered graduates shall not include the graduates falling in or covered by the category of teachers (regular or on contract basis, irrespective of their teaching experience), principals, heads of the departments, management or any other categories mentioned in this sub-section;
Ten persons nominated by the Chancellor, of whom four shall be from the
field of agriculture, social work, co-operative movement, legal, financial, banking
and cultural activities and of the remaining six persons, one is from the industry,
one is an educationist, one is a scientist, one is a person from performing and
fine arts or literature or sports, one is from an organization involved in
Environment or Preservation of Nature related tasks, and one is from an
organization involved in women's development or senior citizens welfare or
communications and media;
Two persons, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor one shall be a non-teaching
employee of the university and one shall be from amongst the non-teaching
employees of the affiliated colleges or recognized institutions;
Two Members of Legislative Assembly nominated by Speaker of Legislative
Assembly for a tenure of two and half years;
One Member of Legislative Council nominated by Chairman of Legislative
Council for a tenure of two and half years;
One Member of Municipal Council or Municipal Corporation to be nominated
by Vice-Chancellor by rotation for a tenure of one year;
One representative of the Education Committees of Zilla Parishads within
the university area, nominated by the Education Committee for the term of one
year, by rotation;
The Registrar - Member-Secretary.
The Chancellor shall normally preside over the senate and in his absence the
Vice-Chancellor shall preside.
The Senate shall meet at least twice a year on the date to be fixed by the
Chancellor. One of the meetings shall be the annual meeting.
Functions and duties of Senate
The Senate shall transact the
following business at its annual meeting, namely
To give suggestions to the university authorities on improvements that can
be made in all areas and domains that are an integral part of the university,
namely, academics, research and development, administration and governance;
To review current academic programmes and collaborative programmes;
To suggest new academic programmes consistent with the societal requirements
in higher education;
To suggest measures for improvement and development of the university;
To confer, on the recommendation of the Management Council, honorary
degrees or other academic distinctions;
To review broad policies and programmes of the university and suggest
measures for its improvement and development;
To receive, discuss and approve the annual financial estimate (budget), the
annual report, accounts, audit reports and their satisfactory compliances along
with its certification by the auditor and the disciplinary or otherwise action taken
report in this regard by the University;
To approve comprehensive perspective plan and annual plan for the location
of colleges and institutions of higher learning, as recommended by the Academic
To review and adopt the report of students' grievance redressal report to be
presented by Registrar of the University;
To review and adopt the reports of the Board of Students' Development and
Board of Sports to be presented by the concerned directors;
To give suggestions to the University authorities on improvements that can
be made in the area and domains of student welfare, sports, cultural activities of
the University;
To make, amend or repeal statutes.