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The University Officials

Prof.(Dr.) Suresh Gosavi
Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor
Power and Duties


Dr. Parag Kalkar
Hon'ble Pro-Vice Chancellor
Power and Duties


Prof. (Dr.) Jyoti Bhakare
Powers and DutiesOfficiating Registrar


The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Officer of the University, working directly under the superintendence, direction and control of the Vice-Chancellor. The Registrar is the appointing and disciplinary authority of certain sections of employees of the University custodian of records and common seal of the University prepares and updates the Handbook of the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations.

Dr. Prabhakar Desai
Officiating Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation
Powers and Duties


The Controller of Examinations is the Principal Officer-in-Charge for the conduct of examinations and tests of the University, and the declarations of the results.


CMA (Dr.) Charusheela R. Gayake
I/C Finance and Accounts OfficerPowers and Duties

The Finance and Accounts Officer is the Principal Finance, Accounts, and Audit Officer of the University, and is responsible for presenting the Annual Budget, Statement of Accounts and Audit Reports to the Finance and Accounts Committee and to the Management Council and having the accounts of the University audited regularly.


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