Welcome to Inter Disciplinary School (IDS)

Interdisciplinary School (I.D.S.) (Humanities and Social Sciences)
The I.D.S. is located at the first floor of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan in the backside wing housing the Departments of Defense Studies and Economics also.
The Interdisciplinary School provides a common platform to all the Departments that come under the Humanities and Social Sciences. In the present age of communication-revolution and knowledge-explosion, the rigid boundaries between Disciplines rewithering away. The dialogue between disciplines is being enhanced. It has become necessary to remove the ‘deafness of specialization’ for the comprehensive understanding of human realities. Every social scientist is supposed to play at once a triple role of a specialist, a generalist and an interdisciplinary. Under such conditions, the interdisciplinary studies are becoming very important all over the world. The Indian Universities are launching and promoting the interdisciplinary research and activities on a greater scale. The activities of our Department (I.D.S.), therefore, have a vital importance in the Pune University structure. Keeping this in mind, the Pune University authorities have revived the I.D.S.