Lectures by Amitabha Gupta
What the
course is about ?
In my lectures in the course I would attempt to introduce the main
issues in philosophy and history of science and their relationship to
issues in epistemology and metaphysics and methodology of science. This
involves introducing the central areas of active debate in contemporary
philosophy of science and put them in the context in terms of selected
Case Studies from the history of the subject.
Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
see the difference between learning
some aspect of science and critically reflecting on it and placing
it in a historical perspective,
understand the main issues in the
philosophy of science and to be familiar with the standard /
canonical literature concerning them,
critically engage with the
contemporary literature in the philosophy of science,
undertake original work in the
philosophy of science of a professional standard,
apply philosophical insights to
scientific work,
connect these issues with scientific
concerns and the issues.
1.1 Final product and the process of scientific inquiry 1.2 Process of scientific inquiry: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Conceptual
Evolution and Cognitive Processes 1.3 Scientific Reasoning: Induction, Deduction, Retroduction, Analogical
Reasoning, Model building 1.4 Linking science pedagogy with History and Philosophy of Science
through Cognitive Science: Importance of
the case studies approach
2.1 Philosophy and History of Science and their relationship to issues
in Epistemology and Metaphysics
Scientific Knowledge and Epistemology: What is Epistemology ?,
Scientific evidence and Justification, Epistemic Reliability, Scepticism
Alan Musgrave, Common Sense, Science and Scepticism : A Historical
Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
Science and Metaphysics:
(i) What exists? What is real?
(ii) General
approach to understanding natural phenomena / “world-view,” e.g.
mechanical vs. teleological,
(iii) presuppositions / assumptions that
guide scientific inquiry – Thematic Presuppositions
E.W. Burtt, The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science
Gerd Buchdahl, Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science
Gerald Holton, Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought: Kepler to
·History of Science: Chronological vs. conceptual evolution, Internal
vs. External T.S. Kuhn, “The History of Science” in Essential Tension
Stephen Toulmin, Foresight and Understanding
2.2 Some of the standard problems in Philosophy of Science
Nature of Scientific
The Demarcation Problem, Falsificationism and Inductivism Scientific Method: what is it and indeed is there a single method at
all in all the different branches of science? Is scientific theory
change rational?
Growth of Scientific Knowledge:
Scientific Revolutions Scientific Observation and Experiment: the relationship between theory
and evidence – theory choice and the problem of under determination
Theoretical entities:
Realism, Instrumentalism and Anti-realism Confirmation of Scientific Theories: Bayesianism – a celebrated account
of confirmation which focuses on the quantifying the degree to which a
particular piece of evidence supports a particular theory
Scientific Explanation:
Hypothetico-Deductive Model
The Nature and Status of Scientific Laws:
Laws and Accidents, the
Regularity Theory of Laws, Ceteris Paribus Laws, Laws as natures’s
capacities and their measurements
Objectivity and Subjectivity
Useful references:
a) B.D. Klemke, “what is philosophy of science?”
b) M. Brodbeck, “The nature and Function of the Philosophy of Science”
An Example of the treatment of a topic in the traditional approach
Nature of Scientific Knowledge: Various characteristics of scientific
knowledge and method of scientific inquiry are discussed and evaluated.
Some of the characteristics that are conventionally attributed to
scientific are universality, objectivity, cumulating nature, and
rationality. The various models of methods in science traditionally
discussed are Inductivism (Mill, William Whewell), Falsificationism
(Popper), Hypothetico-Deductivism (Nagel, Hempel), Paradigm Based
Research (Thomas Kuhn), Methodology of Scientific Research Program as
developed by Imre Lakatos, and Research Tradition in Science as
developed by Larry Laudan.
a) relevant excerpts from the writings of John Stuart Mill and of
William Whewell b) relevant excerpts from the writings of Karl Popper c) relevant papers by Thomas Kuhn, Imre Lalatos, Paul Fayerabend and
Larry Laudan
Three different “turns” in Philosophy of Science
Logical, ahistorical approach : E. Nagel, C.G. Hempel
Historico-social turn : T.S. Huhn, S. Toulmin, P. Feyerabend, E. Lakatos
Cognitive-historical turn : J. Piaget, R.N. Giere, N.J. Nersessian, P.
Thagard, P.M. Churchland
Cognitive / intellectual / historical processes involved in: concept
formation, categorization, scientific observation and experiment and the
interpretation of data, building models, inferencing, belief / theory
revision, scientific discovery and imagination.
Case-study as an Approach to Understanding Science
a) “Understanding Science” – J.B.Conant b) “Introduction”, Science, Technology and Social Change, p. Science,
Technology and Social Change (eds.) Agashe, Gupta, Valicha
4.1. On Early Astronomy (Egyptian, Babylonian, Indian and Greek
contributions): 4.1. (i) Issues: Practical Problems requiring “accurate” observation;
solution of practical problems leading to the distinction between
techniques of forecasting /prediction and understanding/explanation,
distinction between Apparent and Real Motion, modeling: “Saving the
Appearance.” 4.1.(i) 1. Accurate” observation and description of the various celestial
bodies: development of co ordinate systems, mathematics: spherical
geometry, arithmetic
2. Solutions of practical problems leading to the distinction between
Concrete and Abstract Science :forecasting / prediction and
understanding / explanation 3. Distinction between Apparent and Real Motions: Early attempts to
Scientific Modeling 4. The view on the nature of scientific theory: “Saving the appearance”.
Reading Materials
a) “On Understanding Science: A Case Study Approach Based on Early
Astronomy” – Amitabha Gupta b) “Concrete vs Abstract Science” – Amitabha Gupta c) Sleepwalker – Arthur Koestler
4.2 Galileo (1564 – 1642) 4.2. Issues:
Mathematical modeling; accommodating both empiricism and rationalism,
observation / experiment and the axiomatic proof-based rationalistic
approach for providing adequate justification for scientific knowledge
claims; defense of realism
4. 2. (i) Science of Motion 4.2.(i).1 Aristotelian Science of Motion and its role in the science of
mechanics: Demonstrative Science, Inductive-Deductive Method, Teleological
Paradigm, Aristotelian Doctrines 4.2.(i).2. Aristotelian First Principles of Motion and Laws of Motion 4.2.(i).3 Difficulties with the Aristotelian Paradigm
4.2.(ii) Galileo and the Galilean Paradigm for the Science of Motion 4.2.(ii).1 Galileo’s Medieval Precursors and their contributions:
Classification of motions, introduction of mathematics in representing physical phenomena, formulation and proofs of key
Theorems 4.2.(ii).2. Galileo’s new science of “local motion”: geometrization of
nature, mathematical modeling: DDI concept of scientific model; axiomatic proof-based rationalistic approach in his
“demonstrative science” providing adequate justification for his scientific knowledge claims by
accommodating empirical, observational, experimental approach 4.2.(ii).3 Galileo’s Axiomatic framework for: Uniform motion, Freely
falling motion and Projectile Motion. Proofs of some important Theorems 4.2.(ii).4 Galileo’s Philosophy of Science: Distinction between Primary
and Secondary Qualities, Role of mathematics and experiment in Galileo’s science, Galieo’s Realism and opposition to
Instrumentalism. 4.2.(ii).5 Views on the growth of scientific knowledge: Popper, Kuhn and
Reading Materials
a) Third Day” in Dialogues and Mathematical Demonstrations Concerning
Two new Sciences Pertaining to Mechanics and Local Motions - Galileo b) Galileo and the Beginning of Modern Sciences” –H.Dingle in Science,
Technology and Social Change (eds.) S.D.Agashe, A.Gupta, K.Valicha, pp.87-101.
4.2.(iii) Realism, Instrumentalism
Issues: Realism is a blend of metaphysics and epistemology.
Metaphysically, realism claims that there is an observer-independent
world; epistemologically, it claims that we can gain knowledge of that
very world.
In relation to science, realism asserts that, independently of our
representations, the entities described by our scientific theories exist
and that the theories themselves are objectively true (at least
approximately). Opposed to scientific realism are a variety of
antirealisms: instrumentalism, constructivism, empiricism.
Reading Materials
a) Introduction – B.Brody b) Popper: Falsifiability and Realism c) Natures Capacities and their Measurements – Nancy Cartwright
4.3 Newton (1642-1727)
4.3 (iii) “Hypothesis-free Science”:
4.3.(iii).1 Huygens (1629-1695), Leibniz (1646-1716), Descartes
(1596-1650) versus Newton 4.3.(iii).2 Hypothesis in First (1687) and Second (1715) edition of
Philosophie Naturalis Princia Mathematica and its structure. 4.3.(iii).3. Empiricism of Locke (1632-1704), Berkeley (1685-1753),
Hume(1711-1776) and Positivism of Auguste Comte (1798-1857), Mach 4.3.(iii).4 Deductive, Demonstrative Science of mechanics involving
ether vortices by Descartes (1596-1650) versus Newtonian laws inferred from “phenomena and rendered general by
induction”. 4.3.(iii).5 Speculative hypothesis of Descartes versus agent-causal /
dispositional explanation of concepts of “attraction”, “centripetal force”, “gravity”: the role of induction and
“retroduction”. 4.3.(iii).6 Newton’s Method of Analysis and Synthesis 4.3.(iii).7. Hypothesis in Optics (1704) 4.4 Robert Boyle (1627-1691) 4.4.(i) “New Experimental Philosophy”: Emergence of the new experimental
tradition and concept formation 4.4.(i).1 The charter and the establishment of Royal Society (“Invisible
College): 1663 4.4.(i).2 Francis Bacon (1561-1626) and his Novum Organum (1620), New
Atlantis (1627): Classical Experiment alism and Baconian experimentalism and the image of co-operative
scientific inquiry. 4.4.(i).3 Boyle’s “New Experiments – Physico-mechanical touching the
Spring of the Air and its effects made for the most part in a new pneumatical engine” (1660) and the examination of the
“Furnicular Hypothesis” (1662 edition) 4.4.(i).4 Introduction of the concept of “Air Pressure”: Boyle’s
experiments with J-tube and Pneumatic Engine, his original data and formulation of his Law.
Reading Material
a) “Touching the Spring of the Air” – J.B.Conant 4.5 Joseph Priestley (1733 – 1804) and Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794) 4.5.(i) The Phlogiston – Oxygen Controversy and the Chemical Revolution:
Joseph Priestly versus Lavoisier 4.5.(i).1 The Aristotelian (Chemical) Paradigm: Classification scheme
for naturally occurring substances, transformation 4.5.(i).2 The Phlogiston Theory of Becher (1685-1682), Stahl
(1660-1734), Bayen 1680, and Priestly: Corpuscularism and the explanation of chemical reaction (Combustion,
calcination, and smelting) 4.5.(i).3 Is Phlogiston Theory a Theory? Fit with the Aristotelian
Paradigm, Anomaly: Justification of phlogiston in terms of “negative weight” 4.5.(i).4 Same experiment two conclusions (1774 -75) by Priestly and
Lavoisier 4.5.(i).5 Lavoisier’s memoir “Reflections on Phlogiston” (1777): His
experiments (1774 – 1777), his hypothesis and mental set, quantitative measurement, back up experiments and
consistency / coherence test 4.5.(i).6 Lavoisier’s arguments for Oxygen theory: logically
inconsistent in Phlogiston theory, simplicity of the Oxygen Hypothesis and explanation
4.5.(i).7 Under-determination of theory by facts: experiment and
observation; logic of Abduction and Reintroduction: N.R. Hanson and C.S. Peirce 4.5 (ii) Scientific Evidence and the Problem of Theory-ladenness:
We argue for the theory-ladenness of evidence (rather than brute
“observation” [ N.R. Hanson, C.R. Kordig]. We do so by employing and
analysing an episode from the history of eighteenth century chemistry.
We delineates attempts by Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier to
construct entirely different kinds of evidence for and against a
particular hypothesis from a set of agreed upon observations or (raw)
data. Based on an augmented version of a distinction, drawn by J. Bogen
and J. Woodward, between data and phenomena it is shown that the role of
theoretical auxiliary assumptions is very important in constructing
evidence for (or against) a theory from observation or (raw) data. In
revolutionary situations, rival groups old radically different theories
and theoretical auxiliary assumptions. These are employed to construct
very different evidence from the agreed upon set of observations or
(raw) data. Hence, theory resolution becomes difficult. It is argued
that evidence construction is a multi-layered exercise and can be
disputed at any level. What counts as unproblematic observation or (raw)
data at one level may become problematic at another level. The
contingency of these constructions and the (un)problematic nature of
evidence are shown to be partially dependent upon the scientific
knowledge that the scientific community possesses.
Reading materials
(a) “Observation” –N.R.Hamson (b) “The Theory-Ladenness of Observation” – Carl R.Kordig (c) Bogen, J., & Woodward, J. (1988). Saving the phenomena. The
Philosophical Review, 97, 303–352
4.6 Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882) and Gregor Mendel (1822 – 1884): The
Science of Biology: 4.6.1 Darwin’s early observations and On the Origin of Species by Means
of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (1859) : Tree of Life and
Natural Selection 4.6.2 Gregor Mendel’s “Experiments in Plant Hybridization” (1865): the
Law of the formation and development of hybrids – “constancy of forms”. 4.6.3 Epistemological Issues: The Tree-of-life Hypothesis and testing
hypothesis about common ancestry or genealogical relatedness ; testing the adaptive hypothesis (Natural
Selection) 4.6.4 Metaphysical Issues: Tree of Life and the nature of biological
species: Natural Kind and Essentialism: Are species Natural Kinds? The role of chance in Natural Selection. 4.7 Nature of Scientific law, Theory
Regularity theory of law. Recent views.
a) “Law” John Hospers b) “Concepts” –G.Holton in Sicnece, Technology and Social Change (eds.)
S.D.Agahse, A.Gupta, K.Valicha, pp.168-194. c) Ceteris Paribus Laws, Laws as natures’s capacities and their
4.8 Philosophy of Social Science
“Epistemology and Social Science” a book chapter to be published (2003)
in (ed.) A.V. Matas, Spain, Foundations of Social Science
The epistemological theory of the Logical Positivists aimed at giving an
account of the paradigmatic nature of scientific knowledge in terms of a
two tier language, within an axiomatic framework, and with strict
adherence to empiricism and the logic of induction. The reasons for the
dissatisfaction with this approach are well-known. The present paper (i)
explores a new set of reasons for further exposing the weaknesses of
this brand of epistemology, especially because of the fact that it
obscures a number of cognitively significant features of social
scientific knowledge especially when it concerns unobservable entities
and mechanisms, (ii) looks for its alternative in a local contextulist
epistemology grounded in doing science, getting involved in actual
issues faced by a given science and taking a natural ontological
attitude, and (iii) provides two good illustrations of what counts as
local contextulist epistemology from the works of Amartya Sen and M.N.
4.9 Philosophy of Mathematics
“Axiomatic Mathematics and Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem”
The response to the crisis in mathematics that led to the belief that
formalisation of the axiomtic theories in mathematics would be the
appropriate solution. The triumphant march in the axiomatization of
various domains in mathematics - Geometry, Arithmetic - and their
formalization became the order of the day. Increasingly this led
mathematicians to form a deep-rooted conviction that the entire totality
of truths or valid statements in a given branch of mathematics can be
derived purely formally from a few axioms and that such formal axiomatic
systems would be entirely free from contradiction and capture all truths
in that domain. It turned out that this conviction was not well founded.
One of Gödel's significant contributions precisely demonstrates this.
(Amitabha Gupta)
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