Discussion with Mr.
K. Subrahmanyam (16th July 2005)
On 16th July 2005, Mr. K. Subrahmanyam, former member of the Policy
Planning Cell, former Convenor of National Security Board and former
Director IDSA visited NISDA and presented his views on the role of
universities in strategic studies. Present during the discussion
were former Vice Chancellors Professor V. G. Bhide, Professor. S. C.
Gupte, Professor Vasant Gowarikar. Professor Ashok Kolaskar, Vice
Chancellor University of Pune and Dr. M. A. Tutakne, Vice Chancellor
Symbiosis Deemed University, Lt. Gen. D. B. Shekatkar, Shivaji Chair
Professor, Air Marshal A. K. Trikha, Chair Professor for Air Power
Studies, Professor A. S. Dalvi, Head of the Department of Defence
and Strategic Studies, Professor Gautam Sen, Sawarkar Professor of
Defence Studies and Director NISDA along with Research Associates of
The discussion of over one and a half hours revolved around the
perspectives to bring closer the academia, the public organizations
of government and the society at large. It was agreed that there was
an urgent need to bridge the gap between the realm of ideas (the
university system) and the domain of the public policy making
(public organizations including government).
All present endorsed increased participation of the Universities in
India not only in Strategic Studies and Public Policy studies but
also in the other wide ranging areas of defence production, research
and development in government and private organizations related to
defence needs, international negotiations on defence related
procurements and production facilities etc. Professor Gowarikar
expressed strong views regarding the various decisions that were
taken by the Government related to import of defence products. With
his enormous experience and intimate understanding, Mr. K. Subrahmanyam gave deep insights into contemporary national security
issues and explained the process of governmental decision making on
strategic issues in India.
Professor Ashok Kolaskar, Vice Chancellor of University of Pune
felicitated Mr. K. Subrahmanyam on this occasion.