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Library Facility

The Department has a collection of some valuable reference books collected by ex-heads and other teachers. students are permitted to sit in the library and work/refer during working hours. The Department is well equipped with the necessary educational aids.

The departmental library has a collection of about 2,600 books and subscribes to the print versions of 3 mathematical journals. The main library of the University of Pune houses a sizable collection of mathematical books and subscribes to 16 mathematical journals. Besides receiving some financial support from the University, the departmental library receives a grant of Rs. 5,40,000 /- per annum from the National Board of Higher Mathematics, India.

The Department recently signed a licensing agreement with the Academic Press granting the Department electronic access to the AP journals. The Department is the first in the entire Indian subcontinent to sign such an agreement with the Academic Press. The relevant links are:




Computer Lab Facility

The computer laboratory has several latest PCs with internet facilities for the use of faculty and research students. Department has the latest configured computers with all necessary software's are installed on it .





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