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Entrance Exams

For post graduate admissions information and application procedure visit: http://campus.unipune.ac.in

M.Sc. Program At the Department of Chemistry (Centre for Advanced Studies in Chemistry) University of Pune In collaboration with National Chemical Laboratory for details of Entrance Examination, will be announced on the website typically after March of each year.

The students desirous to take admission for M. Sc. Chemistry (Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Organic and Physical) at the University Department, both from outside and Pune University must appear for the Entrance Test. Admission for 30 seats are offered to the students from the other universities and they are only on the basis of Entrance Test. Admission to 70 seats (Open + Reserved category students) are offered to the students from Pune University on the basis of (a) B.Sc Chemistry marks (b) Entrance Test marks, with equal weightage to (a) and (b) 


  • In order to promote science at the grass root level NCL has offered fellowships (Rs. 10000/- per year) to the meritorious students admitted to the Department of Chemistry.

  • Time to time different Industries come forward to offer fellowships to our meritorious students taking admissions for M.Sc.

  • Some additional scholarships also offered by the trusts like Krishna Iyer Doraiswami Trust, Suman Kavathekar Trust and Simantini Jatkar Trust on a need-cum-merit basis.

Syllabus for the M. Sc. Entrance Examination-2025 
Sample Entrance Paper
Sample OMR sheet

Who is eligible?

The candidate from the open category with 50% marks and reserved category with 45% and having Chemistry/ Biochemistry as one of the subjects at T. Y. B. Sc. Level can apply. [Candidate appearing for the final year exam can also apply.]

Reservation of seats:

50 % seats are reserved for SC, ST, DTNT and OBC will be followed as per the Government of Maharashtra Rules (applicable only to the candidates of Maharashtra state) 3% seats are reserved for Physically Handicapped Students as per Government of Maharashtra rules.

When and where the Entrance Test will be held?

The test will be held at a pre-announced date in May/June at Savitribai Phule Pune University centre and other centres viz. Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolhapur, Amravati, Nasik and Ahmednagar (Depending on the number of applications)..

Where Do I get Admission Form ?

  • The application forms will be available on web-site at URL : http://campus.unipune.ac.in/ from a date announced on the website. Please fill the online entrance form.

  • Application fees (non-refundable and non-transferable) should be in the form DD Payable to the "The Registrar Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune-411007", drawn on any national bank for Rs 500/- for Open Category and Rs 350/- for SC, ST, DTNT and OBC candidates of Maharashtra state. Rs. 500 for outside Maharashtra state students for all categories. On the backside of the DD Students should write their full-name and address.

  • Whole process of admission is online. So, please don't send any hardcopy to the department.

    Last date for filling application form will be announced on the website. No further correspondence will be entertained for incomplete apllications and those recieved after the last date
    New Opportunities to make a Career through our M.Sc. Program
    Tel.: 020-25696061-Ext. 1395, 1397.
    FAX: 020-25691728


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