Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Liquid State 500MHz)
- AV III HD one bay console with Amplifier 1H 100 Watt and X 300 Watt
- Magnet Capacity – 11.7 Tesla.
- Multinuclear 5mm BBFO probe which can analyze X nuclei from 109Ag to 31P, and 19F nuclei with and without proton decoupling.
- Variable temperature possible ranging from -1500C to +1500C.
- Auto sampler with 60 sample capacity.
- Two dimensional (2D) NMR study.
- Homonuclear: COSY, NOSEY, ROESY, TOCSY
- Heteronuclear: HSQC, HMBC,HOESY
- Selective (1D SELNOE) experiments.
- Software: Topspin 3.2
- Applications: Structure elucidation of Organic/Bio-organic compounds, kinetic study, NMR titrations, peptide applications.
- In charge: Prof. V. S. Shinde
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (LCMSMS)
- Impact II UHR-TOF Mass Spectrometer System, Dionex UHPLC Ultimate 3000 System.
- Nano-Advance UHPLC
- Ionization source: ESI & APCI
- Mass resolution: 50,000 FSR
- Mass range: 100 to 3500 m/z
- Software: LCMS: HighStar 3.2, HPLC: Chromeleon, Mass: OTOF-Q-control
- Metabolite Tools 2.0 SR1 Software for prediction and identification of Metabolites
- Pesticide Screener software- for pesticide screening in food and environmental samples
- Proteinscape 3.0 database along with MASCOT server for Proteomics Project Management.
- Applications: Determination of molecular weight of organic/ coordination compounds, plant extracts, proteins, peptides, sugars, nucleotides etc.
- In charge: Dr. Ayesha Khan
Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer
Shimadzu TQ 8030
- Injector : AOC-20i +S with 150 sampler auto sampler
- HS-20 (Head Space assembly) with 100 sampler auto sampler
- Mass range: 50 to 1080 m/z
- Triple Quadrupole
- Software: GCMS Real-time Analysis & GCMS post run Real-time Analysis
- Applications:Identification of environmental pollutants, drug molecules, organic/inorganic compounds, pesticides etc.
- In charge: Prof. K.M. Kodam
FESEM: FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 EDS:Bruker XFlash 6I30
- FESEM: Ultra High Resolution low voltage imaging and unique low vacuum capabilities.
- Resolution:1.0 nm at15kV, 1.4 nm at 1kV &1.8 nm at 3kV and 30Pa
- In-lens TLD, SE and BSE detection.
- Equipped with Load lock (Quick Loader).
- EDS EDS EDS EDS: Excellent energy resolution (123 eV at Mn Kα and 45eV at C Kα) & element detection range from 4 Be to 95Am.
- Sample requirement: Powder, thin films, liquid samples by fixation on conducting surface.
- Software: FESEM: xT microscope Control EDS: Espirit 1.9
- Sputter Coater facility with sources Pt, Au, Cr and C
- Applications: Microscopic feature measurements, Surface morphology, qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis, elemental mapping
- In charge: Prof. S.W.Gosavi
Circular Dichroism Spectropolarimeter with stopped flow
Jasco J-1500
- Water-cooled Peltier Thermostatted Stopped-flow Accessory
- Temperature range -100C to 1100C -wavelength scan
- Time Scale: up to 24 days (576 hrs.)
- Spectral range- 163 to 1600 nm
- Solid state (powder) CD measurement accessory
- ORD attachment
- FDCD PMT detector for Fluorescence measurement
- Simultaneous Multi Probe measurements (SMP)- CD, Absorbance
and Linear Dichroism (LD) measurement at the same time.
- Software- Spectra Manager 2 o
- Applications: Studies of protein secondary and tertiary structure
with variable pH, temperature and time. Stereochemical analysis
of peptides, DNA and other biomolecules. Nucleic acid and
proteins folding studies at ms time scale
- In charge: Prof.Amita Ravikumar
Single Crystal X’Ray Diffractometer
- Cu Kα- microfocus, Mo Kα- Fine focus
- Kappa (4 circle) with xyz goniometer head
- Air cooled Photon 100 CMOS detector (have active area of 10cm × 10cm)
- Oxford Cryostream 700 plus low temperature device, Kryoflex II temperature range < 90 K to 400 K
- Sample requirement: Single Crystal (organic/ inorganic, co-crystal, polymorphs)
- Software: Bruker Smart Apex2
- Applications: Molecular structure determination at atomic level with stereochemistry, polymorphic study.
- In charge: Prof. A.S. Kumbhar
Confocal Microscope
- Objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x, 40x (oil), 60x (oil), 100x (oil)
- Laser Line: 405nm, 561nm, 640nm and argon multiline laser line (457/477/488/514nm)
- 3D Stacking
- Sample Requirement: Fluorescent tagged specimen, AutoFluorescent Species
- Software: NIS Elements
- Applications:Real times FRAP, FLIP, FRET, Calcium imaging (with appropriate dyes), photo activation/photo stimulation, highcontent and time laps live imaging.
- In charge: Prof.S.S. Ghaskadbi
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