Message from HOD
Hearty welcome you to tthe Department of Instrumentation Science, Savi itribai Phule Pune University. I feel privileged to intr roduce the Department of Instrumentation Science, established in the year 1991. Instrumentation Science e focuses on the principle and operation of measurin ng instruments and process control systems that are useed in design and configuration of automated system ms. Instrumentation engineers work for chemical or mmanufacturing engineering plants, with the goal of improving the productivity, reliability, safety, optimmization and stability of the process.
The Department has an ooutstanding reputation for teaching, innovation aand the quality of education programs related to curri icular and co-curricular activities. This can open do oors to a successful and rewarding career. MOUs with h the leading industries and association with profe essional bodies are being used for the holistic growth o of the department. Department have modern infrastr ructure and state of art laboratories. Department has jo oined hands with leading industries and institutes for the growth of students and society. Involvement of industries in training of student opens new op pportunities to the student to know the day to day ex xecution of the industries. The department has forg ged strong Institute Industry Interface with leading com mpanies to continuously bridge the gap between Un niversity education and Industry needs through trainiing programs, guest lectures and industrial proje ect programs. The implementation of outcome based eeducation in the department is moving the staff an d students to meet the challenges of new technologica al world and corporate sector so as to mould the buddding graduates as successful professional engineers, reesearchers and entrepreneurs.
The process of learning is e extremely important in life. What you learn, how yo ou learn and where you learn plays a crucial role in developing ones Intellectual capability. Th he department of Instrumentation Science offers pre emier professional technical training that keeps the e students to be in pace with the latest developments iin the field of Instrumentation Engineering. The fa aculty is constantly striving to update curriculum and s syllabus to incorporate advancements in the fields of instrumentation and control. The faculty of the dep partment keep themselves updated by attending fa culty development programs and by interacting with in ndustry personnel.
Dr. M. D. Uplane
Professor and Head
Department of Instrumentation Science