The Department of Psychology, University of Pune, was established in May 1950, and was named as the
Professor V. K. Kothurkar, an experimental psychologist trained at Cambridge University, was the founder and Head. The Department has a strong tradition in research and teaching. The Department was renamed as the Department of Psychology in the early eighties.
So far, 1500 M. A. students have passed out and more than 100 students have been awarded Ph.D. degree from this Department. As the scope of applications of psychology is increasing everyday, teaching, research, and extension activities are also directed to applied work. Thus, the Department strives for a combination of pure and applied psychology. Considering the Indian scenario and the demand in the professional field the Department emphasizes an eclectic approach in teaching.
Research Areas
Experimental psychology
Experimental Personality research
Five-Factor Model of Personality
Mathematical psychology
Clinical psychology
Educational psychology
Industrial and Organizational psychology
Indian psychology
Psychology of Stress
Gender related issues
In the recent past, as a result of some concentrated research efforts, Five-Factor Model of personality has emerged as one of the thrust areas in the department.