Translator :
Many companies require translators to help understand their communication with their counterparts. Jobs can be regular, full time or part-time. There are also many translation agencies which employ personnel having good knowledge of a foreign language.
A person can work free-lance after gaining a few years’ experience.
With the advent of new technology like teleconferencing and video-conferencing, it is now possible to hold conferences and meetings between personnel from India and their counterparts in other countries without having to actually travel between the two countries. Almost always, such meetings require a person with the knowledge of not just the language but also of the manners and etiquette
A recent addition to the requirements in industry. A number of BPOs have come up in India. Jobs could involve speaking skills or data processing.
Industry :
A person speaking a foreign language is most suited for this industry !
Teaching :
At present the number of learners in India is about 5000 per year. As
A large number of educational establishments as well as companies having regular exchanges with foreign countries require good language teachers for students and professionals alike. The job opportunities in this field are a plenty – across the country.
Communication and Coordination :
As the business between Indian companies and multinationals increases and more and more projects are launched, there is a need for people who can coordinate the projects and communicate between the two teams.
Students who have done MA in French, German or Russian can appear for UPSC with French/German/Russian as their major subject and make a career in the Indian Administrative Service or the Foreign Service
Literary Translations:
Those students who are more interested in Literature can undertake translations of literary works from foreign languages. There is also a growing market for the translation of self-help and management books. There are also jobs for the students in the publishing industry