News and Events
24th August 2010 – National Sanskrit Day
National Sanskrit Day was celebrated on 24th August 2010 in the Namdev
Hall, Arts Faculty,
University of Pune. A one day Seminar was organized, wherein papers were
presented in Sanskrit.
The following papers were presented :

5th October 2010 - One day National
A one day National Seminar was organized
on ‘Shri Shri Anandamurti’s Contribution to Language and Philosophy’.
The programme started with Prabhata Samgiita composed and set to tune by
Shrii Shrii Anandamurti’s aka Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar.
Shri Shyam Bang, Renaissance Univesal (RU), Secretary, New Dehli
delivered the introductory Speech. In his speech Shri Shyam Bang
elaborated how Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii given his thoughts on
different issues like Spiritual philosophy and Sadhana, Socio-economic
theory (he gave a new theory called Progressive Utilization Theory),
education, history, literature, philology, a new philosophical concept
called neo-humanism which covers environmental issues, science and
connected these different aspects of life in a harmonious way.
Prof. V.N. Jha was the Chairperson of the first session. Prof. R. P.
Poddar, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune presented a paper
on ‘Shrii Shrii Anandamurti’s
Contribution to Philosophy’. Prof. Ujjwala Jha. Director, Centre of
Advanced Study in Sanskrit, Pune University, presented a paper on
‘Shrii Shrii Anandamurti : A 20th Century Indian Philosopher’.
Prof. V.N. Jha, Former Director, Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit,
Pune University delivered a speech on ‘Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
on Matter and Consciousness’ he
established how Anandamurtijii has presented the traditional knowledge
of philosophy in his own style which is so much useful to the present
Prof. Uttam Pati was the Chairperson of
the second session. Dr. Shailendra Mohan, Department of Linguistics,
Deccan College, Pune presented a paper on ‘Shrii Shrii
Anandamurti’s Contribution to Phonology’.
Dr. Shailaja Katre, Head, Department of Sanskrit & Prakrit Languages,
University of Pune presented a paper on ‘Shrii Shrii
Anandamurti’s Contribution to Karaka Theory’.
Prof. Nirmala Kulkarni presented a paper on ‘Shrii Shrii
Anandamurti on Phonetics’ . Prof. Uttam
Pati, Department of Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Delhi delivered his speech on “Microvitum: A New Concept Unifying
Matter and Spirit’. Prof. G. D. Sharma
gave vote of thanks.

1st to 7th
of December 2010 – A National Workshop on ’Computational Linguistics’.
’Computational Linguistics’ is a branch of study dealing with role and
scope of computer application in the area of Linguistics. This forms a
paper of the syllabus of M.A. in Sanskrit Linguistics, an
inter-disciplinary course run by the Centre.
Pannini’s Ashtadhyayi is accepted as a computing machine by computer
scientists from all over the globe. This particular workshop is going to
focus on the Karaka Theory of Panini. Resource persons of this workshop
include Dr. Amba Kulkarni, Central University , Hyderabad, Dr. Shrinivas
Varkhedi, Sanskrit Academy, Hyderabad , Dr. Malhar Kulkarni, IIT,
Mumbai, etc. Participants will be coming from all over India.
11th to 13
th of January 2011 - A National Seminar on ‘Indian
Hermenuetics :Theory & Application’
The word ‘Hermeneutics’ stands for ‘the branch of knowledge concerned
with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary texts.’ Hence
the expression ‘Indian Hermeneutics’ refers to Purvamimamsa,
which is ‘the science of sentence interpretation’, originally meant for
the interpretation of the Vedic sentences. This system evolved different
principles of interpreting a discourse as it treated the Veda as an
autonomous text or discourse. These principles were so useful that later
on these were utilized by all systems of Indian Philosophy, Poetics,
Grammar and even the Dharmasastra.
Thus, the theoretical part of Hermeneutics concerns itself with the
original Purvamimamsa principles
and its application is found in different systems mentioned above. In
this context our Center of Advanced Study in Sanskrit is going to
organize a National seminar on Indian Hermeneutics : Theory and
Application in the month of January 2011.
This seminar aims at focusing the
contribution of Indian Hermeneutics in both its aspects: theoretical as
well as practical. This, in turn, will bring out the exact scope of the
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