Plant Physiology
Ms. Varsha Shriram
M.Sc. (Botany - Plant Physiology)


  • Address:
    Dept. of Botany, University of Pune,
    Pune- 411007

  • E-mail address:

  • Telephone (O) :
    +91 020 25601219 (M) +91 9860145657

  • Topic of Research (Ph.D):
    "Tissue culture and Phytochemical studies in some Medicinal Plants"

  • Area of Specilization:
     Plant Tissue Culture, Plant Biotechnology, Natural Product Chemistry- Isolation and activity studies, Spectrophptometry. Plant Metabolic Engineering, Stress Physiology and Enzymatic studies.

  • Research Experience:
    At present doing Ph.D. in Botany, under the guidance of Prof. M. G. Shitole, Head, Department of Botany, University of Pune and my co-guide is Dr. S. R. Rojatkar, Scientist E-1, Natural Products Unit, Organic Chemistry Technology Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune - 411 008. My research topic is entitled "Tissue culture and Phytochemical studies in some medicinal plants".

    Worked on a Research Project entitled "The documentation, study, propagation and utilization of local medicinal plants with antidiarrhoeal activity in the Parinche valley (Maharashtra)", under the supervision of Dr. G. T. Panse, Former Deputy Director, National Chemical Laboratory, and Dr. S. R. Rojatkar, Scientist E-1, at Natural Products Unit, Organic Chemistry Technology Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune - 411 008, from October 2002 to September 2004.

    Worked as a Research Trainee, submitted a report entitled "Training on Tissue Culture of Some Woody Peren nials" at Tissue Culture Pilot Plant, Biochemical Sciences Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, under the guidance of Dr. R. S. Nadgauda, Head, Tissue Culture Pilot Plant, Biochemical Sciences Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, during March - April, 2001.

    Completed a Research Training on Plant Molecular Biology Techniques (DNA extraction, Gel Electrophoresis, PCR, Immobilization of the cells), at the Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad, in April 2003, under the guidance of Prof. P. B. Kavi Kishior, Head, Department of Genetics, Osmania University, Hyderabad.

    Summer Training completed at Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi on a research project entitled "Effect of moisture stress on oxidative injury and antioxidant activity during early vegetative growth in maize (Zea mays) var. Kh-5, under moisture stress", under the guidance of Dr. R. K. Sairam, Scientist, Department of Plant Physiology, Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi, during May - July 1999.

    During M. Sc. I have worked on a project "Effect of salt stress on antioxidant activity and protein profile in wheat (Triticum aestivum) during early seedling stage", under the guidance of Prof. M. G. Shitole, Head, Department of Botany, University of Pune, at the Department of Botany, University of Pune

    Filed Two US Patents to CSIR, New Delhi, on
    1.Insecticidal activity and
    2.Antiplasmid activity of a pure isolated compound.