Plant Physiology
Ms Kabita Gogoi
M.Sc. (Angiosperms)


  • Address:
     Botany Department ,
    University of Pune-411007.INDIA.

  • E-mail address:

  • Telephone (O) :

  • Topic of Research (Ph.D):
    "Studies on some cyanobacterial species for the production of important metabolites".

  • Area of Specilization:
     Plant physiology

  • Research Experience:
    At present doing Ph.D. entitled "Studies on some cyanobacterial species for the production of important metabolites"Under the guidance of Dr.T.D.Nikam, Reader, Botany Department, University of Pune-7.

    A Research Project for partial fulfillment during M.Sc. entitled "Morphological,cytological and embryoligical studies on Alianthus excelsa"

  • Publications/ Poster present:
    Presented a poster entitled 'Studies of some cyanobacterial species of pune",in the International seminar , "International Conference on Plant Physiology"(New Delhi, 2002).