Plant Physiology
Mr. Sandeep S. Jadhav


  • Address:
    Depatment of Botany, University of Pune,
    Pune - 411 007, M.S. INDIA

  • E-mail address:

  • Telephone (O) :
    +91 020 25601219 Cell: 9822773310 (R): +91 02425 223807

  • Topic of Research (Ph.D):
    "Allelopathic potential of some dominant aquatic weeds of Mula and Mutha rivers and their bioprospectives"

  • Area of Specilization:
    Plant Ecology, Plant Physiology.

  • Research Experience:
    Currently working as a Junior Research Fellow in DAE-BRNS project entitled as "Improvement in quality, yield and storage life of onion (Allium cepa L.) through mutation breeding" under Dr. K. N. Dhumal, Department of Botany, University of Pune, Pune-411 007. Achivements so far: Various types of desirable mutants for e.g. High yield, High TSS (Total soluble solid) and Extended storage life
    Environmental Impact Assessment of Irrigation and Hydroelectricity projects
    Work Experience: Participated in following Projects with Science and Technology Park, University of Pune Campus, Pune
    Environmental Impact Assessment of Bav hydroelectricity project, NHPC,Govt. of India, Devrukh, Ratnagiri
    Environmental Impact Assessment of Urmodi Irrigation project, MKVDC,Govt. of Maharashtra Satara
    Environmental Impact Assessment of Dhom Balkawadi Irrigation project, Govt. of MaharashtraWai, Satara
    Environmental Impact Assessment of Tarali Irrigation project, Govt. of MaharashtraPatan
    IT and remote sensing GIS trainining course for GSDA, Govt. of Maharashtra officers

    Participation and presentation of Research papers in International Conferences/Seminars